Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Golden Globe Awards

I am not a good movie critic; in fact I am probably one of the worst. For example, I watched a German film the other night; it was on DVD and called the "White Ribbon" in English. This film, even though it won the Palm d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival will never (and I emphasize never) be shown in the local six-plex. However, I liked it. The filming was interesting, the story strange and unresolved, the actors put you in the time and place of the film (the years just before World War I in rural Germany). Because my taste for films usually does not include most of the films at the six-plex these days I am not too interested in the Hollywood crowd.

In fact, I find many of them shallow and vapid. I am not too interested in the fact that they choose to have children without the benefit of marriage, or that they find nothing too terrible by frying their brains with drugs. Some of them are very talented and attractive, but I want only to see them in character and not in their real lives.

The Golden Globe Awards Ceremony on Sunday made me think of this. I did not watch much of it and the little I saw was about as interesting as watching grass grow; in fact, that may be more interesting. These people dressed to kill, as they say, chatted away, gave each other awards for doing their jobs, and told unpleasant jokes. Their acceptance speech, I think that is what they are called, only reveal that they do work hard, but so does the plumber that comes to the house, or the letter carrier that drops off direct sales mail in my mail box every day. Yes, they get paid for their labors, but we do not sit eagerly on Sunday evening watching them congratulate each other for doing their work.

Finally, I have not enjoyed the humor of the emcee, a comedian that often performs in HBO series. Getting laughs at the expense of another person by insulting words is playground stuff. Maybe that is the problem; those people have not matured well and are the victims of arrested development.

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