Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanskgivng Day

Unlike past Thanksgiving Days no family members close by and I could not visit any. Nevertheless, the day was spent in giving thanks.

Children are spread around the globe. A son in Afghanistan, his family in Virginia, and a daughter in New Mexico, and brother and sister and their families also spread about the country makes a family reunion difficult. The telephone, however, did unite the family somewhat. The son in Afghanistan tried to call, but did not make contact until Friday. Daughter and daughter-in-law were easier to contact and we talked about children.

After a person gets a certain age holidays and other celebrations lose their impact. The exception being birthdays and achievements of grandchildren. But, the holiday season, as it is now known, means little to me. I am not at all interested in Black Friday or Cyber Monday. I have been trying to think of what I would need that would drive me to stand in line early on a frosty morning and get trampled by greedy shoppers? Can't think of anything.

Nevertheless, I am thankful. I am thankful for a loving family, for longevity, for the comfort and abundance I have and for being able to sit down at my desk in retirement and write stuff like this.

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